8 Inflammatory Foods That Are Giving You Belly Fat

Knowing what to eliminate from your diet is key in keeping your midsection trim.

9 Inflammatory Breakfast Foods You'll Want To Avoid

Start your day off on the right foot and avoid these breakfast foods that contribute to inflammation.

11 Inflammatory Foods Wreaking Havoc On Your Body

Reducing the amount of inflammatory foods in your diet may result in positive outcomes for your health.

7 Worst Eating Habits Causing Inflammation & Aging You Faster

Your immune system may end up seeking revenge if you keep eating the wrong way every day.

The Worst Breakfast Habits for Inflammation, Say Dietitians

It may be a good idea to limit the fancy coffee drinks and amount of processed meat you consume.

These Foods May Increase Inflammation and Make Gut Issues Worse, New Study Says

If you have inflammatory bowel disease, you may want to monitor your intake of fiber.

5 Worst Eating Habits for Arthritis After 40, Say Dietitians

Keep your joints feeling young by ditching these patterns.

The Worst Eating Habits for Inflammation, Says Science

What and when you eat may affect your health in unexpected ways

4 Worst Eating Habits If You Have Arthritis, Say Dietitians

While there's no magic pill for arthritis, steering clear of these habits can help.