Weight Loss Tips, Diet Guides, & More | Eat This, Not That! https://www.eatthis.com/weight-loss/ Your ultimate source for expert nutrition tips and health advice, covering wellness, healthy recipes, cooking hacks, food news, style trends and shopping. Sun, 01 Oct 2023 00:18:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://www.eatthis.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/07/cropped-etnt-favicon.png?strip=all&cf-bypass&w=32 Weight Loss Tips, Diet Guides, & More | Eat This, Not That! https://www.eatthis.com/weight-loss/ 32 32 Mon, 02 Oct 2023 19:53:34 -0400 6 Reasons You Have Water Weight & How to Lose It https://www.eatthis.com/how-to-lose-water-weight/ Thu, 28 Sep 2023 18:00:01 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=757119 If you're looking in the mirror and wondering why you casually woke up with a...

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If you're looking in the mirror and wondering why you casually woke up with a "balloon belly," water weight may be to blame. Naturally, unwarranted bloating may immediately cause you to freak out—but don't. We here at Eat This, Not That! did some digging and chatted with experts who break down the reasons why you have water weight and what to do about it.

Here's everything you should be aware of when it comes to water weight, along with exactly how you can get rid of it. Keep reading to learn more, and when you're finished, be sure to check out The 20 Worst Ways to Lose Weight.

What is water weight?

woman bloated stomach

Did you know that a good portion of your body is comprised of water? According to Brittany Dunn, MS, RDN, CD, a registered dietitian, a chef specializing in sports nutrition, and a member of our Medical Expert Board, "It is the heaviest thing in our bodies besides our bones. Water takes up the spaces between and inside our cells. Normally, excess fluids go through the kidneys and are excreted through urination, however, sometimes excess fluids can be retained between the organs and skin."

Again, don't freak out if you're experiencing water weight. It's important to note that water weight is different than gaining weight/body fat due to excess calorie consumption; it occurs when your body holds on to, well, extra water. In addition, your body needs water to function to the best of its ability. And lastly, gaining water weight here and there is normal. (However, keep in mind that there are some conditions that could cause water retention, such as venous insufficiency—which we touch upon below—that need to be addressed as soon as possible.)

"Water weight is not necessarily a bad thing," Dunn stresses. "Water helps our body regulate temperature, helps with heart and brain function, and aids in digestion."

So now that we know what water weight is, let's dive into some of the culprits behind water weight and what you can do to lose it.

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Why you have water weight:

1. You're consuming too much salt.

Salt pouring out of hand

Salty foods can result in water weight. "Typically, this is a common thing that can happen as salt will draw out the water, making it go to those places you don't want it to go," explains Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND an award-winning nutrition expert and a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Up Your Veggies: Flexitarian Recipes for the Whole Family. "But this is usually a short-term issue."

RELATED: 6 Expert Tips To Avoid a 'Jelly Belly'

2. It's that time of the month.

woman period concept

Cramps, mood swings, and bloating—oh, the joys of that time of the month! Your menstrual cycle could also be to blame for your water weight. "Many women tend to retain water right before and during their menstrual cycle," Amidor tells us. "This is due to hormone changes during the menstrual cycle which can also lead to breast tenderness (another symptom of PMS). The water weight tends to go away once menstruation ends."

For individuals who are obese or overweight, losing weight can help decrease water weight during that time of the month, Amidor says. In addition, regular exercise and a nutritious diet can help bring down the excess fluids.

3. You're eating a lot of carbs.

pasta with carbonara sauce

Carbohydrates are another reason why your body may be holding onto excess water. "Water weight is also influenced by our energy stores (glycogen); which we need to be able to do anything throughout the day," Dunn explains. "For every one gram of glycogen stored, we store three to four grams of water. When you stop eating carbohydrates, your body uses up your glycogen to provide it with energy. As the stored glycogen is used up, the stored water goes away with it. Initial weight loss might look fast at the beginning, but it's mostly from water and glycogen and not fat loss."

RELATED: 5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Women That Actually Work

4. You're dehydrated.

woman dehydrated

This may sound a tad obvious, but when you're dehydrated, your body craves more water! So it's only fitting that dehydration would result in water retention. "When the body is dehydrated, it tends to hold on to more water until the balance of fluids is restored," says Dunn.

According to the Mayo Clinic, other symptoms of dehydration include urinating less frequently, dizziness, fatigue, extreme thirst, and dark-colored urine. If you recognize these symptoms with your water retention, you likely need to drink more H2O.

5. You have venous insufficiency.

venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiently is a condition where your veins aren't functioning like they're supposed to, which typically results in noticeable water retention in your feet and lower legs. "Venous insufficiency can lead to discomfort, skin darkening, and potentially lead to infection," Amidor cautions. "It tends to occur when sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time, like on a long flight."

Keeping up a healthy body weight, not smoking, and avoiding sitting or standing for extended periods of time can help you deal with venous insufficiency, Amidor adds. "For example, when you take a long flight, you should get up and walk around and stretch for a few moments if possible," she says. "Compression socks/stockings can also help decrease the amount of swelling in the affected areas by promoting proper blood flow."

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6. You're dealing with an underactive thyroid.

thyroid exam concept

"[An underactive thyroid] is a health condition where your thyroid isn't working properly, and your healthcare provider may prescribe a diuretic to help remove excess water," Amidor explains. If you think you are dealing with thyroid issues, it's always a smart idea to check in with your healthcare professional as soon as possible. They may prescribe you a diuretic to eliminate excess water, Amidor points out.

How to lose water weight:

Now that you know some of the potential reasons behind your water weight, here's how to address it, according to the experts.

1. Consume closer to the recommended daily amount of carbs and sodium.

variety of healthier carbs concept

It's important to be mindful of your daily values, and don't exceed them! Dunn explains, "Both [carbohydrates and sodium] can cause excess water retention along with other potential issues." The U.S. Food and Drug Administration explains the daily value of sodium should be less than 2,300 milligrams each day. In addition, research shows that 45% to 65% of your daily calorie intake can be designated to carbs.

2. Drink more water.

mature man drinking water bottle during workout

In order to stay properly hydrated and avoid water retention, Dunn encourages you to drink more water. "When the body is dehydrated, it tends to hold on to more water until the fluid balance is restored," she says.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, the average amount of daily H2O for healthy men is around 15.5 cups, and for healthy women, it's about 11.5 cups. Keep in mind that the amount of cups of plain water may vary depending on how much water you're getting from other sources like veggies, fruits, tea, coffee, and juice.

3. Check in with your healthcare provider about your medications.

white pills spilling out of bottle

Checking in with your healthcare provider is always a smart idea when you notice any sort of changes in your body, like water retention. A great topic to chat about during your visit is evaluating your medications. Dunn explains, "Some medications such as antidepressants and blood pressure medication can contribute to minor water retention."

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5 Best Standing Workouts for Women To Lose Weight https://www.eatthis.com/standing-workouts-for-women-to-lose-weight/ Thu, 28 Sep 2023 10:00:19 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=756120 Standing workouts offer a versatile and effective way for women who want to lose weight,...

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Standing workouts offer a versatile and effective way for women who want to lose weight, improve their fitness, and boost their overall health. That's why I recommend checking out the best standing workouts for women to lose weight. These routines don't require any fancy equipment and can be done almost anywhere, making them perfect for busy lifestyles or those who prefer working out from the comfort of home.

For my female clients, I recommend standing workouts as a way to improve posture, strengthen and tighten the core, and scorch the calories needed for weight loss. Standing exercises are a powerful combination of cardio and strength training, resulting in successful body recomposition.

Here are five fantastic standing workouts for women to lose weight. Each routine comprises of three to five individual exercises, specifically designed to help women drop those extra pounds. They can be performed anywhere, with or without equipment. Keep reading to learn all about them, and when you're finished, don't miss out on these 7 No-Equipment Floor Exercises To Drop 10 Pounds in a Month.

Workout 1: The Fat-Blasting Circuit

These standing workouts for women to lose weight kick off with a fat-blasting circuit. Cardiovascular exercise helps create a calorie deficit, promoting fat loss and improving heart health. Cardio circuits can increase endurance, making it easier for women to engage in more extended and intense workouts, accelerating their weight loss progress and overall fitness.

1. Jumping Jacks

how to do jumping jacks demonstration

Jumping jacks elevate your heart rate, improve cardiovascular fitness, and engage multiple muscle groups. They also promote muscle growth in the lower body, resulting in a lean, toned appearance many women hope to achieve.

Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump while spreading your legs and raising your arms overhead. Return to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of 30 seconds.

2. High Knees

high knees

High knees elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and strengthen your core. For women, the combination of fat-burning and building a tight, lean core is especially beneficial.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift your right knee as high as possible while bringing the left arm up. Alternate quickly between knees and arms. Repeat for three sets of 30 seconds.

3. Standing Bicycle Crunches

Standing bicycle crunches are specifically beneficial for women who are looking to lose weight because they engage the core muscles, helping to strengthen and tone the abdominal area while increasing calorie expenditure due to their dynamic nature.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands behind your head. Lift your right knee while bringing your left elbow toward it. Alternate between knees and elbows. Repeat for three sets of 20 reps (10 per side).

RELATED: 5 Standing Exercises for Faster Weight Loss After 50

Workout 2: The Sculpt and Tone Routine

I recommend sculpting and toning exercises to my female clients because these exercises help enhance muscle definition, creating a lean and sculpted appearance. Increased muscle mass can boost your metabolism, making it easier to achieve and maintain weight loss goals over the long term while also improving overall body composition and strength.

1. Squats with Leg Raises

squat leg raise

Squats with a leg raise are especially beneficial for women to torch calories and fat because they combine lower-body strength training with a dynamic leg raise, engaging multiple muscle groups to increase calorie burn, improve muscle tone, and promote fat loss.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Perform a squat, pushing your hips back. As you stand up, lift your right leg to the side. Repeat for three sets of 12 reps per leg.

2. Standing Side Leg Lifts

side leg lift

Standing leg lifts target the outer thighs and hips, helping to tone and shape these areas while contributing to a more balanced and sculpted physique. Additionally, they can speed up your metabolism and enhance the calorie burn during daily activities, supporting a successful weight loss journey.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips or clasped at your heart's center. Lift your right leg to the side as high as you can. Repeat for three sets of 15 reps per leg.

3. Bodyweight Deadlifts

Bodyweight deadlifts are great for increasing strength in your lower body, engaging multiple muscle groups, and stretching your hamstrings. They're also great for building glutes, a common fitness goal among women.

Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Hinge your hips while slightly bending your knees until your torso is parallel to the ground. Push through your heels, raise your torso, and squeeze your glutes to stand upright. Repeat for three sets of 15 reps.

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Workout 3: The Cardio Blaster

Cardiovascular exercise is especially beneficial for weight loss because it helps burn calories and increase your metabolic rate, creating a calorie deficit necessary for shedding unwanted pounds. Additionally, cardio workouts improve your heart health, endurance, and overall fitness, contributing to a more sustainable and healthy weight loss journey.

1. Butt Kicks

heel kicks

Butt kicks are a high-intensity cardio exercise that engages the leg muscles and elevates heart rate, effectively burning calories and promoting fat loss. Additionally, butt kicks help improve lower-body strength and endurance.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Jog in place, kicking your heels toward your glutes. Repeat for three sets of 30 seconds.

2. Standing Mountain Climbers

Standing mountain climbers are a dynamic, full-body exercise that elevates heart rate, burns calories, and enhances overall cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, they engage the core, arms, and legs, helping to build muscle tone and boost your metabolism.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift your right knee toward your chest while raising your right arm. Alternate between knees and arms as you hop. Repeat for three sets of 30 seconds.

3. Ski Hops

Ski hops involve lateral movements that engage multiple muscle groups, helping to increase calorie expenditure and promote fat loss. Ski hops improve balance, agility, and lower-body strength.

Begin by standing with your feet together and your knees slightly bent. Jump to one side, landing softly on that foot while swinging your arms to the opposite side. Immediately jump back to the other side, repeating the motion in a continuous side-to-side hopping motion. Complete three sets of 30 seconds.

RELATED: 5 Best Strength Workouts for Women To Lose Weight

Workout 4: The Core Strengthener

Core-focused exercises are particularly beneficial for weight loss because a strong core improves posture and stability, allowing for more effective overall workouts and reducing the risk of injury. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups, which increases calorie burn and contributes to a leaner, more toned appearance, making them an integral part of a well-rounded weight loss strategy for women.

1. Standing Russian Twists

standing oblique twist

Standing Russian twists engage the core muscles and obliques, helping to strengthen and tone the midsection while enhancing balance and stability. Additionally, this exercise involves rotational movements, which can increase calorie burn and contribute to a more comprehensive approach to weight loss for women.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a weight or a water bottle with both hands. Twist your torso to the right, bringing the weight to the outside of your right hip. Repeat for three sets of 20 reps (10 per side).

2. Standing Planks

Standing planks engage the core muscles, promoting better posture and stability while also increasing overall calorie expenditure. They help in building lean muscle mass, which can enhance your metabolism and contribute to a more toned appearance, making them a valuable addition to a weight loss regimen for women.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Raise your arms overhead, keeping them straight. Engage your core, and squeeze your glutes. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute. Complete three rounds.

3. Slow Marches

illustration of march in place

Slow marches are beneficial because they engage the core and lower body muscles, helping to improve overall muscle tone and metabolism. This is a low-impact exercise that can be sustained for longer durations, making it an effective choice for burning calories while being gentle on the joints.

Start by standing upright with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Lift your right knee as high as comfortably possible while balancing on your left foot. Lower your right foot back down. Repeat the same motion with your left knee. Continue alternating between lifting your right and left knees. Complete three rounds of 30 seconds.

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Workout 5: The Total-Body Burner

The last of these standing workouts for women to lose weight is a total-body burner. Full-body workouts that combine strength training and cardio are especially efficient for weight loss because they offer a comprehensive approach that burns calories during the workout, boosts the metabolism through muscle development, and promotes fat loss. They also help you achieve a balanced physique, enhance overall fitness, and improve body composition.

1. Squat Jumps

jump squats

Squat jumps combine lower-body strength training with explosive movements, which increases the calorie burn and helps you build lean muscle mass, ultimately boosting your metabolism. Additionally, squat jumps engage major muscle groups like the glutes, quads, and hamstrings, making them effective for toning and shaping the lower body, a common goal among women.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Perform a squat. Explosively jump up, extending your legs and arms. Repeat for three sets of 12 reps.

2. Standing Arm Circles

illustration of arm circles

Standing arm circles engage the shoulder and arm muscles, contributing to improved upper-body strength and toning, while also helping to increase overall calorie expenditure during workouts. Additionally, these exercises can enhance shoulder flexibility and posture.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms to the sides. Make small forward circles for 30 seconds, and then reverse for another 30 seconds. Complete three sets.

3. Burpees


Burpees are a high-intensity, full-body exercise that combines strength training and cardio, aiding in calorie burn and a boosted metabolic rate. Additionally, they engage multiple muscle groups, promoting muscle toning and fat loss.

Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground in front of you. Kick your feet back to a plank position. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Explosively jump up from the squat, reaching your arms overhead. Repeat the sequence. Complete three sets of 12 reps.

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50 Best-Ever Weight Loss Tips https://www.eatthis.com/weight-loss-tips/ Wed, 27 Sep 2023 20:25:08 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=756611 Losing weight can seem like a daunting task when you're just starting out. With so...

The post 50 Best-Ever Weight Loss Tips appeared first on Eat This Not That.

Losing weight can seem like a daunting task when you're just starting out. With so many weight loss methods out there to choose from, it's normal to feel a bit intimidated. And since you can't simply snap your fingers and magically slim down to your ideal weight, we're here to help with the best-ever weight loss tips, brought to you by the experts who work with clients every day to help them reach their weight loss goals.

Of course, everyone's body is beautifully unique, so what works for one person might not be quite as effective for someone else. That's why we curated a whopping 50 tips to choose from so you can see what works best for you. Implementing good-for-you habits into your daily routine is necessary when you want to shed unwanted pounds and reveal a healthier version of yourself. Just remember—taking the first big step is usually the most difficult part!

To put together this comprehensive guide, we delved deep into the latest research findings and enlisted the wisdom of registered dietitians and certified personal trainers. With their expertise, you can feel confident knowing that these weight loss tips are not only rooted in science but have also produced real-world results.

Keep reading to learn what the experts have to say about their best-ever weight loss tips, and when you're finished, don't miss out on The 20 Worst Ways to Lose Weight.


Learn your body's hunger and fullness cues.

woman bloated stomach

One of the best weight loss tips and most useful tools you can follow is listening to your body to understand its hunger and fullness cues. Doing so can ensure you're consuming enough food, eating before you're "hangry," and finishing meals when you feel satisfied (before reaching the point of being way too full).

"Learning and honoring these cues takes practice, so be patient with yourself," Ashleigh Kidd, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian with the F45 Challenge Team, stresses. "If you don't know where to start, check out a hunger/fullness scale and consider journaling your hunger/fullness feelings to explore what those feel/look like for you."

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Think about what you can add to your diet rather than what to eliminate.

close-up putting salad on plate in kitchen

Instead of thinking about items you should take out of your diet, Kidd suggests asking yourself what nutrients you should add to it. "When we eliminate foods or put 'food rules' into place, it often leads to increased consumption of the very food we've put off limits," she explains. "Not to mention, heavily restrictive diets may lead to obsessive thoughts about food, food guilt/shame, disordered eating patterns, overeating and/or binging, weight cycling, low energy levels, and a poor relationship with food."

Figuring out the areas of your diet where you can add nutrition and greater satisfaction to snacks and meals is key. You can do this by asking yourself what you already have on your plate and what's missing, then add whatever's missing!

"For example, if you have tortillas, you have carbs. What's missing? Protein, fat, veggies/color. [So,] what can [you] add? Ground turkey/lean ground beef (protein); cheese and/or avocado (fat); and bell peppers, onions, shredded lettuce, or cabbage (color and fiber)," Kidd explains.


Pack in the protein.

greek yogurt with honey and walnuts

Protein-packed foods help you feel full and satisfied. Kidd recommends incorporating protein into the majority of your meals, ideally filling up one-quarter of your plate with it, which usually amounts to 20 to 40 grams of protein.

"Try to include protein in snacks, and pair with a carbohydrate source (i.e. Greek yogurt with fruit and hemp seeds)," Kidd recommends. "It's important to remember that nutrition isn't one size fits all. Protein needs are unique based on things like body weight, activity level, medical history, and more. If you're not sure how to determine your protein needs or want to make sure you're consuming enough, reach out to your medical provider."


Consume well-balanced meals the majority of the time.

plant-based Buddha bowl

Another one of the best weight loss tips from Kidd? "Aim to eat a balanced meal most of the time"—with an emphasis on "most" of the time. "Not every meal will be perfectly balanced and that's okay," she says. "Strive for balance overall."

For example, a well-balanced plate would typically include protein on one-quarter of the plate, fat (through sauces, cooking oils, animal protein, or avocado), starchy carbs on one-quarter of the plate, color on one-quarter of the plate (veggies and fruits), and items you actually enjoy eating. If you don't include foods you genuinely love, this could result in overeating or unhealthy snacking later on, Kidd cautions.


Eat mindfully.

mindful eating, concept of best weight loss tips

Adding a mindfulness element to your snacks and meals can help you truly listen to the hunger and fullness cues we spoke about before.

Kidd encourages you to eliminate unnecessary distractions while you're eating; assess how hungry you are before, during, and after consuming a meal; and reflect back on your meal time. (For instance, do you feel like you ate enough? Are you happy with the foods you chose? How did this meal make you physically feel?)

"Take a moment and ask yourself what sounds good to eat and what will make [you] feel good," Kidd suggests. "For example, if an apple sounds good but you know you won't be eating a full meal for a while, honor your hunger by enjoying the apple, but add some nut butter (fat and some protein), to keep you satisfied until your next meal. It's difficult to eat mindfully when we're under-fueled!"

RELATED: The Best 5-Minute Daily Walking Workout for Women To Lose Weight


Don't skip meals.

man hungry concept

Skipping meals deprives your body of necessary fuel and nutrients. It's a major no-no if you want to lose weight. Rather than skipping out on meals, it's important to think about adding healthy foods to your diet that will leave you feeling satisfied.

"When we skip meals, we're more likely to eat past fullness at the next meal and not be as easily satisfied," Kidd explains. "Skipping meals can also throw off your body's hunger/fullness cues, leave [you] feeling out of control around food, and cause a dip in energy."


Minimize ultra-processed foods.

variety of processed foods

Opt for minimally processed foods a good chunk of the time, as they're packed with unhealthy ingredients and excess calories and don't offer much nutritional value.

"Minimize ultra-processed food intake (please note that these can be enjoyed mindfully), and increase consumption of whole, nutrient-dense foods, providing more nutrition and keeping you full and satisfied longer," Kidd says. "Did you notice I didn't say to cut out all processed foods? Having some 'convenience' foods on hand can actually make it easier to maintain healthy habits and help us balance our meals (like frozen veggies or canned tuna), especially when we're lacking time."


Kick up the home cooking.

couple cooking healthy meal, demonstrating ways to stay healthy without exercising

Making healthy meals at home puts you in charge of all the ingredients that go into them, something you can't do when eating out.

"You don't need to skip out on date night, girls' night, or social events, because these are important, too," Kidd points out. "But try to plan for more meals at home if you're someone who dines out frequently. This doesn't mean you have to meal prep if that's not your thing—maybe try  'food prepping' where you prep certain foods for the week so that they're easy to grab and add to a meal (i.e. washing and chopping your produce so that part is already finished when you're preparing your meal)."


Ditch the 'all-or-nothing' mentality.

concept of fad diets don't work, weight loss tips

When it comes to fitness, nutrition, and overall health, Kidd says to nix the "all-or-nothing" mentality. "Quick-fix diets can be appealing with their dramatic 'results' and promises, and they give the illusion that we have the control," she explains. "But in reality, those fad diets aren't sustainable and are designed to fail you (notice I didn't say for you to fail them). If they truly worked, we wouldn't be trying them over and over again, right? Improving your nutrition and relationship with food takes time and support, remember to give your grace and patience."


Establish short-term and long-term goals.

woman keeping track of fitness and weight loss goals in journal, concept of how to lose your large belly through establishing goals

Setting short-term and long-term goals for yourself is a smart habit to consider. Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN—the founder and director of Real Nutrition, a New York City-based private practice dedicated to healthfully and successfully guiding clients to their optimal nutrition, weight, and overall wellness, explains, "Weight loss takes time, and it can be frustrating when you're not losing as many pounds as you expected. Having and achieving small, short-term goals brings you the sense of accomplishment that will motivate you to continue working toward your long-term goals."

RELATED: 6 Expert Tips To Avoid a 'Jelly Belly'


Understand your body, and be patient.

fitness woman stretching, concept of predict how long you'll live

Losing weight takes hard work, dedication, and time. It's important to understand what works and doesn't work for your body, and have patience with the process.

"Everyone is built differently, and some people may lose weight faster than others," Shapiro explains. "Looking for quick results and going too hard and fast (e.g. extreme detox or Whole30 program) can have adverse effects such as binging, regain of water weight."



woman resting, drinking water taking a break from workout

Good old H2O is crucial for many things when it comes to your health, including boosting your weight loss efforts. "Hydration is an often overlooked step in weight loss," Shapiro tells us. "Studies have shown that drinking enough water plays a role in weight loss through reduced calorie intake and increased breakdown of fat." So fill up your water bottle, and drink up!


Don't fear carbs.

high-fiber crackers on plate

Not all carbs are bad! As a matter of fact, some of the best healthy carbs for weight loss—such as bean pastas, high-fiber crackers, chickpeas, and oats—are an excellent addition to your diet.

"Don't be afraid of carbs or fat," Shapiro stresses. "Avoiding or restricting one specific food group can result in overeating other foods. Not all carbs and fats are created equal. Adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats are important for sustaining energy and satiety."


Indulge in 'treat meals' rather than cheat days.

stack of pancakes with syrup and butter

Make "treat meals" your indulgence rather than a full day of "cheats" when it comes to eats. "[Opt for] treat meals instead of cheat days, because restricting yourself from your cravings can lead to extreme overeating and excessive caloric intake on a cheat day," Shapiro says. "Fitting in a treat during a meal or anytime in a day/week/month can be more sustainable."


Control your portion sizes.

smaller portion size concept

Controlling your portion sizes is another crucial healthy eating habit for weight loss you should stick with. "Portion control is equally important as what you are eating," Shapiro says. "Excessive intake of any food, even protein, can turn into fat." You can practice portion control by using smaller dinner plates or not finishing all the food that's on your plate.


Keep a food journal.

track meal

Tracking your eating habits, meals, calories, and even your favorite healthy recipes in a food journal is the name of the game. In fact, it's a tip experts swear by. "A food journal helps you see your dietary pattern and keeps you accountable," Shapiro says. "It is also a low-cost weight loss strategy."

Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, a registered dietitian, certified specialist in sports dietetics, and member of our Medical Expert Board, agrees the power of the food journal is real, noting, "Tracking your meals and snacks can help you become more aware of your eating habits, identify problem areas, and make necessary adjustments. You can't manage what you're not aware of!


Perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

fit man doing standing cardio workout jumps

If you haven't performed high-intensity interval training (HIIT) before, now is the time to start. "These short, intense bursts of activity followed by brief rest periods can help boost metabolism and burn more calories in less time," Goodson explains.


Find an accountability partner.

two friends brisk walking

A weight loss journey is always much more enjoyable when you're going through it with a friend, loved one, or group of individuals who share the same goal. Goodson encourages, "Share your weight loss goals with a friend or join a support group. Having someone to hold you accountable can boost motivation and commitment."


Consider having smaller meals throughout the day.

woman eating bowl of fruit and yogurt for weight loss

Enjoying smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day may be the way to go. "Instead of having one big meal in the morning and one in the evening, have four smaller meals throughout the day," suggests Richard Biglia, NASM CPT, iFIT and NordicTrack trainer. "Your body stores calories in order to hold onto energy. If you skip meals, your body will crave bigger portions, leading you to overeat and intake more calories than you need."


Cut back on snacking.

no to chips and snacking, concept of best weight loss tips

Constantly reaching for snacks throughout the day is a surefire way to add unwanted, excess calories to your daily count, along with unhealthy ingredients. "Cut down on snacking throughout the day," Biglia says. "I am a big snacker as well, and when you're bored you tend to snack, consuming a lot of calories you don't need. Many snacks contain a lot of sugar and calories that we don't need to eat throughout our day."

RELATED: 7 High-Fat Foods To Avoid If You Want To Lose Belly Fat


Make tiny changes during your day.

fit senior man taking stairs, habits to slow down muscle aging

Small changes can make a big difference in the long run. Little things like opting for the stairs rather than taking the elevator or escalator, for instance, will help you increase your daily step count and burn more calories. "It's a quick opportunity to get a few extra steps in, and those small changes add up when it comes to contributing to your fitness journey," Biglia explains.


Add strength training to your routine.

woman outdoors doing arm exercises with dumbbells for lean arms

If you're not already doing strength work in your fitness routine, it's time to change that. "During a weight loss journey, many think you have to do a lot of cardio including cycling and running," Biglia tells us. "There's a misconception that sweating a lot leads to weight loss. Weight and strength training is very important for a fitness journey."


But don't forget about cardio; it's all a healthy balance.

fit woman running on treadmill, concept of exercise and nutrition tips for women in their 40s

Many individuals who want to lose weight also hope to achieve a toned, sculpted look, and to do so, Jason Grillo, NASM CPT a personal trainer and certified weight loss specialist, says it's important to both strength train and incorporate cardio.

Melting fat while preserving lean muscle "will not happen without strength training (weights/bands/resistance machines)," says Grillo. "However, when a lot of trainers will say you need to ditch cardio and focus solely on lifting weights to lose weight, I am not going to say that. Your heart is still the most important muscle in your body, and your cardiovascular system needs to be trained. Cardio training a few times a week will also help you create that calorie deficit."


Consume sufficient fiber.

bowl of figs, concept of best weight loss tips

Along with protein, fiber is a diet staple for weight loss. "Ensuring sufficient fiber intake makes you feel full and helps you avoid eating too much of the other things during a meal. It is also important for bowel movement," Shapiro explains.

Some of the best high-fiber foods for weight loss include fresh figs, almonds, flaxseeds, blackberries, baked acorn squash, edamame, bulgur, and raw avocados. We'd say it's about time to update your shopping list. (Just be sure to drink plenty of water when boosting the amount of fiber you eat!)


Don't drink your calories.

making iced matcha latte, one of the best morning drinks for rapid weight loss

Indulging in a morning latte at your favorite coffee joint can cost you excess, unnecessary calories. Drinking your calories is something Grillo cautions against. This tip circles back to weight loss basics: calories in versus calories out.

"Dieters put themselves behind the eight-ball by consuming too many liquid calories," Grillo explains. "Not only can these calories add up quickly, but they usually are not nutritionally dense, leaving a dieter remaining hungry after consuming. For example, a dieter with the goal of 2,000 calories a day can start the day at the coffee shop consuming a 500-calorie frappuccino, thinking, 'I just had a coffee,' but really, they just used 25% of their calorie budget on a coffee that left their stomach still feeling empty. Stick to low-calorie drinks such as water, regular coffee, tea, and diet beverages."


Add more movement to your day.

man doing easy cardio exercises on treadmill pad at home while watching TV

Being sedentary for a good portion of the day can be toxic to your overall health and weight loss efforts, so incorporate more movement into your routine. "Changes such as parking your car a little further at work, taking the stairs up two floors at your apartment, and getting up for three minutes of jumping jacks in between your favorite TV show commercial break can help you burn a lot more calories during the course of weeks/months," Grillo explains.

In addition, consider taking your work calls from the treadmill or while going on a brisk walk around your block. A walking pad is always a great investment, as you can tune into meetings and get some work done while raking in more steps!


Dig deep.

mature woman meditating

Grillo encourages you to "dig deep" and "remember how capable you are." Transforming your body through weight loss can be one of the most challenging and strenuous mental and physical milestones you may ever face in your life. "Remember why you started, remember you do not have to be perfect, and remember how great it is going to feel when you accomplish what you are looking to accomplish," Grillo says.


Follow the 80-20 rule.

close-up woman holding up broccoli and donut, healthy balance concept of best weight loss tips

Many diets are incredibly restrictive, which makes them unsustainable to maintain in the long term. (Not to mention, they can be all-around unenjoyable!) "For example, removing an entire food group such as carbs from your diet might lead to losing weight since carbs are not being overeaten, but eventually, it is going to be really hard for a dieter to not crave those foods that they have been missing and over indulge which will lead to gaining weight back," Grillo tells us.

That's why he suggests practicing "flexible dieting," or following the 80-20 rule. This means consuming mostly "healthy foods" that are nutrient-dense 80% of the time and enjoying your favorite foods the remaining 20% of the time.


Keep things simple.

woman eating apple after workout

There's no need to over-complicate things. Rather, keep it simple! Calories consumed, minus calories out, will result in fat loss.

"A major problem with losing weight is that the advice can seem overwhelming," Grillo explains. "Thousands of different exercises. Hundreds of thousands of different supplements. Hundreds of different diets. The confusion can lead to analysis paralysis and a lack of action. The fact is that any plan that works is going to work because it is cheating a calorie deficit. Simply focusing on moving your body more and eating less will lead to inevitable fat loss over time."


Be consistent.

woman running up steps, concept of tips to avoid belly fat

You won't get anywhere in your weight loss progress—or any fitness goal, for that matter—without consistency. So focus on "consistent imperfection," as Grillo calls it. "Consistent imperfection beats inconsistent perfection when it comes to weight loss," he says. "If there is one 'golden rule' of losing weight and getting fit, it is consistency. Consistent imperfection allows a weight loss hopeful to still enjoy their life and make progress. For example, aim to work out three to four times per week and to eat healthy eight days out of 10 over the course of months, instead of trying to work out seven days a week and eat perfectly healthy every day, just to fall off in a week."


Get solid sleep.

woman sleeping in bed, concept of cricketing

Allowing your body to rest and recover is just as important as your time spent prepping healthy meals and working out at the gym. So be sure you're getting enough solid rest, and if you aren't, it may be time to reevaluate your bedtime routine and sleep environment.

"Weight loss hopefuls who believe they are dieting and working out correctly but not getting results, sleep is usually the missing factor," Grillo says. "Your body needs to rest and recover and that does not happen without proper sleep. The lack of sleep will also play with your hunger hormones and cause you to become more hungry throughout the day. Your body also does not make its physical changes during the actual time of exercise, it only makes its changes when you are at rest."

RELATED: 9 Diet Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Weight Loss Progress


Exercise with a purpose.

woman doing pushups, high-intensity interval training

Establishing a purpose in each and every workout is the name of the game if you want to see noticeable results. "When it comes to exercise, intensity is everything," Grillo explains. "Somebody can work out two times a week for 30 minutes and get better results than somebody working out four times a week for an hour. Make sure you walk away from each workout feeling challenged and accomplished."


Open up the shades.

woman sitting in front of window

Allowing rays of sunshine to flow into your home gives you an instant happiness boost. It's such a simple act you can start doing first thing when you wake up, and it can even positively impact your weight loss efforts. For instance, a study in PLOS One revealed that a minimum of 45 minutes of morning sunlight over a three-week span decreased body fat and lowered appetite in obese women. Needless to say, let the light shine in!


Be kind to yourself.

woman happy walking on the beach, concept of best weight loss tips

Along your journey, you should be your absolute best motivator. Some days you may see more progress than others, but it's all part of the process. Thinking positively, celebrating little victories, and not letting yourself get down in the dumps will help keep you inspired. "Being too hard on yourself and letting external factors pressure [you] can result in us giving up, or overeating to cope with stress. It's important to be gentle with yourself," Biglia says.


Start drinking green tea.

pouring green tea

Rather than a cup of joe (which typically comes with sugar and cream/milk), consider making green tea your go-to caffeine source in the a.m. and throughout the day. This soothing sip basically comes without any calories and is an excellent addition to your weight loss regimen—research says so. According to a 2008 study published in Physiology & Behavior, green tea proved to be an effective weight loss method among obese subjects. The participants who had green tea extract for 12 weeks ended up losing around 7.3 pounds.


Ditch the top to your sandwich.

open-face sandwich

We know that not all carbs are bad, but as with anything, it's also important to not overdo it. So the next time you make yourself a sandwich, consider this little tweak: Ditch the bread on the top, and make it an open-faced sandwich! For instance, one slice of multi-grain bread contains 109 calories, so by eliminating the top slice, you are nixing 109 excess, unnecessary calories from your meal! Just be sure your sandwich contains plenty of protein and fiber so you stay full.


Switch out your go-to pasta for a healthier alternative.

bean pasta on plate, healthy carbs for weight loss

Let's be honest: Pasta with sauce and a sprinkle of cheese is a household staple meal. But eating too many refined carbs isn't doing your waistline or weight any favors. That's why you should consider swapping out your go-to pasta, like classic spaghetti, for a healthier alternative, like zucchini noodles or a bean-based option. Two ounces (about one-fourth of a box) of Banza chickpea spaghetti, for instance, offers 14 grams of protein, along with almost 8 grams of fiber, and is 190 calories. It's all about getting creative and making smarter meal choices.


Incorporate coconut oil into your cooking.

coconut oil, cooking with coconut oil, concept of best weight loss tips

Speaking of making smarter, healthier choices, consider swapping out the cooking oil you typically use for coconut oil. According to one 2011 study published in ISRN Pharmacology, incorporating virgin coconut oil into the diet of obese male participants substantially reduced their weight circumference.


Establish effective ways to manage stress.

woman with eyes closed on bed listening to one of the best meditation apps for holiday stress

Above all, your mental health should come first. Where it makes the most sense, establish healthy boundaries, learn when to take a break to rest when you feel you need it, meditate, and find ways that can help you reduce stress, Kidd says. After all, according to Goodson, "High stress levels can lead to emotional eating." She suggests, "Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your daily routine."


Eat more whole foods.

healthy whole foods

The saying "you are what you eat" rings true. If your diet consists of a lot of highly processed foods and takeout meals, you will likely begin to feel tired and weighed down. That's why eating more whole foods is good for the mind, body, and soul. "It can be hard with a busy schedule, but eating more fresh foods and cooking with more natural, whole ingredients will help you on your fitness journey," Biglia says.


Don't go to sleep too late, and wake up early.

happy woman stretches in bed and wakes up early, concept of best weight loss tips

You may be surprised to hear that your bedtime and waking time can impact weight loss. According to a Northwestern Medicine study, night owls are at a greater risk of gaining weight. The research showed that individuals who hit the sheets late and slept in consumed a greater amount of fast food and had greater body weights. Those who slept in ate 248 more calories in a day, twice the amount of fast food, and only half the amount of fruits and veggies as those who went to bed earlier.


Plan out your snacks and meals.

woman planning healthy meal prepping, portion sizes, , concept of best weight loss tips

Having nutritious snacks and meal options readily available makes healthy eating much more of a seamless process. "Planning allows you to make healthier choices and avoid impulsive, unhealthy options," Goodson tells us.

Mapping out snack and meal ideas before you head to the grocery store is a great habit to get into. This way, whenever the hunger kicks in, you know you'll be reaching for something healthy in the pantry or fridge!

RELATED: 10 Best Protein-Packed 100-Calorie Snacks for Weight Loss


Work with a personal trainer.

woman working out with her personal trainer in gym, concept of best weight loss tips

When in doubt, it's always beneficial to seek support from a professional who can define the best course of attack for you, says Derek Pratt, ISSA elite trainer and C4 Energy ambassador. A fitness trainer can help come up with a personalized workout program, and a registered dietitian can help design a customized meal plan you'll actually enjoy and stick with.


Start your day with a well-balanced breakfast, like oats with veggies blended in!

oatmeal with fruit, nuts, and seeds

Rather than fully enjoying the morning, many of us rush through it to get to work on time. But skipping out on breakfast is a major no-no, according to Pratt. Starting your day with a well-balanced breakfast, along with other healthy habits, can really set you up for success throughout the rest of the day. For instance, consuming regular meals and not skipping breakfast can help you maintain stable blood sugar levels and decrease your urge to reach for the snack drawer, Pratt says.

If you need some inspiration, consider a weight-loss-friendly breakfast such as oats with veggies—such as shredded zucchini—blended in. This way, you're killing two birds with one stone: You're getting your fill of oats and veggies, which both offer healthy doses of fiber to keep you full. Top off your bowl of oats with nuts, seeds, and some fresh fruit.

RELATED: 34 High-Protein Breakfasts That Keep You Full


Get some fresh air in the morning.

fitness man jogging in the snow, demonstrating what happens to your body when you jog more

Opening the windows to allow fresh air to flow inside or heading outdoors for a morning walk or jog in the cold can not only be beneficial for your mental health, but also your body weight. According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, being exposed to the cold in the morning could have a greater benefit at speeding up a man's metabolism and torching fat than in the evening.


Don't fall asleep with your TV on.

woman asleep with TV on, concept of best weight loss tips

Getting engrossed in a drama-filled show is something many enjoy doing before heading to sleep, especially for those who have a TV in their bedroom. But exposing yourself to blue light doesn't just wreak havoc on your Zzz's—it can also be detrimental to your weight!

According to a 2014 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, those who slept in dark rooms experienced a decreased risk of being obese than individuals who slept in lighter rooms. So be sure to turn off your TV before snoozing into dreamland.


Add supplements to your diet.

Vitamin B12 Supplement, concept of best weight loss tips

Working supplements into your diet is chock-full of health benefits from boosting the health of your bones to decreasing constipation and keeping you regular. But are you familiar with the best weight loss supplements out there? If not, it's time to get familiar and add them to your diet. Take a closer look at vitamin B-12, inulin, probiotics, and green tea supplements to bring your weight loss to the next level.


Tweak your cup of joe.

drinking coffee black on wood table, concept of best weight loss tips

If you really can't live without your cup of joe, consider tweaking it. With coffee usually comes creamer, added flavoring, and sugar—all ingredients you want to avoid when trying to lose weight. Enjoying your cup of joe black and adding a natural bit of sweetness to it, like cinnamon, is a much smarter play. After all, sipping four cups of coffee per day could lower your body fat by 4%, according to a study conducted by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


Eat some grapefruit.

grapefruit half

Grapefruit tends to get a bad wrap, but this citrusy fruit is chock-full of healthy goodness. As a matter of fact, it's an excellent addition to your meals if you want to shed some points. According to a 2006 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, enjoying half a fresh grapefruit before meals was associated with "significant weight loss."


Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.

woman doing yoga stretches at home, demonstrating how to boost your mood in the winter

Finding the time to exercise amid an always-busy schedule can feel like a real chore. But setting aside just 30 minutes each day for an invigorating workout helps you stay consistent with your efforts—and it will pay off! "Consistently moving for 30 minutes a day is a standard, yet effective practice to incorporate into your wellness routine," Biglia says.

The post 50 Best-Ever Weight Loss Tips appeared first on Eat This Not That.

The Best 5-Minute Daily Walking Workout for Women To Lose Weight https://www.eatthis.com/5-minute-walking-workout-for-women-to-lose-weight/ Tue, 26 Sep 2023 10:00:29 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=756040 If you're a woman who is struggling to achieve your weight goal, you are certainly...

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If you're a woman who is struggling to achieve your weight goal, you are certainly not alone. As a matter of fact, virtually every female client who comes to me has at one time or another struggled with weight loss. If you can't stand the gym or simply don't have the extra time to complete a traditional workout, finding just the right, sustainable fitness routine can feel like a true challenge. But don't fear, because I have a seamless five-minute daily walking workout for women to lose weight.

If you can carve out just five minutes a day and have the room and ability to take a walk, you can follow this straightforward daily walking workout to lose weight, tailor-made for women who struggle with this area of fitness. This walking routine incorporates exercises within the walk itself, giving you more of a bang for your buck than a traditional stroll through the park, without the added time and inconvenience of going to a gym. These exercises target the common areas women struggle with in terms of weight loss, including the thighs, hips, arms, and lower tummy areas.

To perform the workout, begin by taking your normal walk. For each exercise, perform 10 repetitions followed by 10 regular walking steps. Then, move on to the next exercise. Cycle through the workout for the duration of your walk, aiming for anywhere from two to four total cycles through the workout, depending on the time available to walk and your current fitness level.

I always recommend pairing your weight loss workouts with a diet plan incorporating healthy foods like lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables to ensure your workout program delivers exceptional results.

Keep reading to learn all about this five-minute daily walking workout for women to lose weight. And when you're done, don't miss out on The "50-Mile Month" Walking Challenge Is a Surprisingly Easy Way To Get Fit.


High Knees

high knees

High knees are a fantastic way to integrate some light cardio and engage your core, quads, and hip flexors, all while maintaining a walking rhythm.

To perform high knees, start with a regular walking pace. Engage your core, and bring one knee up toward your chest as high as you can. Quickly switch, and raise the other knee. Ensure your arms are in motion, opposite arm to leg, similar to regular walking. Repeat for the target time.

RELATED: The #1 Daily Walking Workout for Women to Get Fit


Jump Squats

jump squats

Jump squats can rapidly raise your heart rate, engaging your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

To perform jump squats, begin walking, but step into a standard squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a squat, pushing through the full foot. As you rise, jump upward in an explosive motion, fully extending your legs. Land softly, and immediately transition into the next squat. Repeat for the target repetitions. Continue walking normally after you complete your repetitions.

RELATED: 5 Best Bodyweight Exercises To Lose Belly Overhang in 30 Days


Walking Lunges

front lunge exercise, walking workout for women

Walking lunges are perfect for targeting the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, while also engaging your core for stability.

To perform walking lunges, start with a regular walking pace. Step forward with your right foot, and lower into a lunge. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Rotate your left foot inward slightly as you lower your left knee for optimal biomechanics. Push through the full foot of your right leg, stepping forward into the next lunge with your left leg. Repeat for the target repetitions.

RELATED: 10 Best Exercises for Women Over 50 To Live Longer


Heel Kicks

heel kicks walking workout for women

Heel kicks are a fun addition to your walking workout, targeting the hamstrings, calves, and glutes. They also offer a slight cardio boost as you quicken your pace.

To perform heel kicks, walk at a moderate pace. Kick one heel up toward your glutes. Bring the foot back down, and immediately kick up the other heel. Swing your arms in a natural motion, as you would while walking. Repeat for the target repetitions.

RELATED: 10 Best Strength Exercises for Women To Melt 'Middle-Aged Spread' Belly Fat


Arm Circles

illustration of arm circles, walking workout for women

This walking workout for women to lose weight wraps up with arm circles. While walking is mainly a lower-body activity, arm circles incorporate some upper-body toning. They target the deltoids and also work the triceps and biceps to some extent.

To perform arm circles, walk at a steady pace. Extend your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height. Begin small circular motions with your arms, ensuring the motion comes from the shoulders. After you hit your 10 repetitions, reverse the direction of the circles, and complete another 10 reps.

The post The Best 5-Minute Daily Walking Workout for Women To Lose Weight appeared first on Eat This Not That.

Want to Lose Belly Fat? Morning Workouts May Be Key, New Study Says https://www.eatthis.com/morning-workouts-fat-loss-study/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 16:40:21 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=756426 Kicking off your day with an invigorating morning workout may sound like an excellent idea...

The post Want to Lose Belly Fat? Morning Workouts May Be Key, New Study Says appeared first on Eat This Not That.

Kicking off your day with an invigorating morning workout may sound like an excellent idea or a total chore to you. If you relate to the latter, exercising is probably something you save for later on in the day—whether that's during a lunch break or after work. But if you want to lose belly fat and speed up your weight loss efforts, working out in the a.m. may just be the way to go, according to new research published in the journal Obesity. The September 2023 study found that participants who worked out earlier in the day lost significantly more weight and reported a smaller weight circumference, which is a measure of belly fat, than those who exercised midday or in the evening.

Keep reading to learn more about what the study has to say about the benefits of starting your day with a workout. And when you're finished, don't miss out on the 5 Best Low-Intensity Workouts for Women To Lose Weight.

This study examined the effect of the time of day you work out—morning, midday, vs. evening—on fat loss.

fitness woman running early in the morning outdoors while sun rises

With obesity being associated with a variety of health risks, from chronic diseases to early death, the goal of this new study was to determine the best time of day to engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in order to achieve healthy weight management.

Physical activity is well-known for being a successful method to lose weight, manage weight, and boost one's overall health, but the best time of day to work out to reap all of these amazing benefits has been widely debated—hence why the researchers conducted this study.

To determine the effect of workout time on weight loss and belly fat loss, the researchers performed a cross-sectional analysis of 5,285 participants in the 2003 to 2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

The participants were broken out into three clusters based on the time of day they worked out: early morning (from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.), midday (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), and evening (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). The link between the MVPA level and obesity was tested.

RELATED: 7 Strength Exercises To Drop 10 Pounds in a Month

The link between morning workouts, waist circumference, and belly fat loss.

The results? Exercising in the early morning was linked to the lowest levels of belly fat, as measured by waist circumference, of the three groups. Participants who worked out in the morning had an average waist size of 91.5 centimeters (36 inches) compared to 95.8 and 95.0 for the midday and evening workouts, respectively.

"The main link to waist circumference and belly fat is visceral fat, the dangerous inflammatory fat that gets packed around your organs," says Dr. Stacie Stephenson, a recognized leader in functional medicine and bestselling author of Glow: 90 Days to Create Your Vibrant Life from Within. "Visceral fat is the most hazardous for health, but it's also the first to burn away when you begin improving your diet and exercising. That is why a reduction in weight circumference is a good indicator that your lifestyle changes are working and you are actually losing fat."

Morning exercisers also had the lowest average body mass index (BMI) at 25.9 compared to 27.6 and 27.2 in the midday and evening groups, respectively.

RELATED: 10 Things You Should Do Every Morning for All-Day Energy

How is morning exercise beneficial, especially when it comes to weight loss?

Although the study did not examine why working out in the morning could be more effective when it comes to belly fat loss, there are numerous hypotheses.

Stephenson believes one of the main reasons is that you're more likely to actually follow through with exercising when you commit to it in the morning as opposed to waiting until later in the day. "When you get your workout done before all the other things you have to do, then you are much less likely to make excuses for running out of time, being too tired, having too much to do, etc.," she explains.

In addition, working out in the a.m. could put you in a positive mindset since you're starting your day with healthy choices. "It energizes you and you might eat less and make better lifestyle choices," Stephenson says. "All that adds up when you do it day after day. It can create significant changes in your life."

RELATED: 34 High-Protein Breakfasts That Keep You Full

Keep in mind that if you're not a morning person, though, all hope is not lost when it comes to weight loss. Stephenson stresses, "The very best time to exercise is the time of day when you will actually do it. Afternoon or evening exercising is much, much better than not exercising at all."

So what are you waiting for? If you want to lose belly fat and boost your weight loss progress, adding exercise to your day—specifically in the morning—is clearly a smart move.

The post Want to Lose Belly Fat? Morning Workouts May Be Key, New Study Says appeared first on Eat This Not That.

6 Expert Tips To Avoid a 'Jelly Belly' https://www.eatthis.com/tips-to-avoid-belly-fat/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 11:00:51 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=756011 Unless you're Santa Claus, the last thing you probably want heading into the holiday season...

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Unless you're Santa Claus, the last thing you probably want heading into the holiday season is a so-called 'jelly belly.' Apart from the fact that you may not feel or look your best when you're carrying around extra weight, excess belly fat can also be incredibly dangerous.

Extra fat in your midsection can pose serious risks to your overall health and wellness, including heightening your risk of high blood pressure, liver and kidney issues, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, according to research. Being proactive about learning the right exercise regimen, eating habits, and daily lifestyle changes you need to make can help you avoid accumulating extra inches around your belly. Fortunately, Eat This, Not That! is here to help you avoid the jiggle. We spoke with Ronny Garcia, CPT, Blink Fitness, who shares some of his best expert tips for avoiding belly fat. Keep reading to learn Garcia's top tips to avoid belly fat, and when you're done, be sure to check out the 20 Best Weight Loss Secrets, According to Experts.


Step up your cardio game.

woman brisk stair climbing walking every day

Cardio works wonders for burning calories, which will lower your overall body fat. Garcia recommends getting in 75 to 150 minutes of cardio on a weekly basis. You can accomplish this by running, walking, swimming, cycling, or even plogging! Not only will you torch fat, but it can be lots of fun. And if you're ever in need of some inspiration, TikTok is an excellent resource, as the platform is always serving up new fitness trends and challenges, like the "50-mile-month" walking challenge, which is a seamless way to get fit.

RELATED: 6 Best Diets for Weight Loss After 50


Start a strength training routine.

older woman doing chicken wings workout with dumbbells to tone arm flab

When you work on building muscle, you beef up your resting metabolic rate, which helps you burn calories. There's a common misconception that strength training and lifting weights will make you look bulky, and when you're looking to lose weight, you probably don't want to feel (or look) bigger. But that is simply not the case, as strength training is a crucial part of any successful weight loss journey. According to Garcia, you should do strength training two to three times each week. You've got this!


Maintain a balanced diet.

healthy foods

An effective strategy to lose belly fat requires a focus on both diet and exercise. Sticking with a nutritious, well-balanced diet can be quite challenging, but it's crucial to eliminate or keep your intake of sugar-packed drinks and ultra-processed foods super low. Garcia recommends replacing these not-so-healthy items with whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein, veggies, and fruit.

RELATED: 8 Best Drinks for Weight Loss


Control your portions.

portioned plate with chicken, rice, fruit, and salad

You absolutely don't want to eat too little (which can lead to cravings and overeating later in the day), but if you're not practicing portion control, there's a chance you're actually feeding your body way more than it needs to convert into energy. A few helpful tricks for portion control include using a smaller plate and getting into the habit of waiting a little while after a smaller meal to see if you still feel hungry. It's also important to make sure that every meal has a good amount of protein and fiber to keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time.

RELATED: How to Lose 50 Pounds or More


Stay hydrated.

man drinking a gallon of water from a bottle

"Did you know that sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger?" asks Garcia. It's true: Sometimes when you think you're feeling hungry, you're really just thirsty. So make sure you drink enough water throughout the day, as this is another important step in any attempt to lose belly fat. If you're someone who usually forgets to fill up your glass, consider investing in a water bottle that reminds you when you need a refill.

RELATED: How to Drink More Water & Stay Hydrated


Get enough restful sleep.

mature woman sleeping

This tip may seem pretty anticlimactic. After all, aren't you supposed to boost your activity level? Well, yes, but you also want to carve out enough time to get a restful sleep each night so your body can recover and repair. Shoot for seven to nine hours of shuteye each night so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. "Poor sleep patterns can result in increased cravings for unhealthy foods," says Garcia.

The post 6 Expert Tips To Avoid a 'Jelly Belly' appeared first on Eat This Not That.

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Women That Actually Work https://www.eatthis.com/weight-loss-workouts-for-women/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:00:25 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=755591 Finding just the right game plan to lose weight can be a struggle. This becomes...

The post 5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Women That Actually Work appeared first on Eat This Not That.

Finding just the right game plan to lose weight can be a struggle. This becomes increasingly true as you endure the natural bodily changes that occur with aging. For instance, women tend to accumulate extra inches around their midsection after going through menopause. But following a nutritious diet full of protein- and fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly are always smart habits to develop for anyone who is embarking on a weight loss journey. Weight loss is a common goal among my female clients, so I've put together the five best weight loss workouts for women that actually work.

Shedding unwanted weight calls for a well-rounded workout routine with benefits that specifically aid weight loss in women. Below, you'll find five weight loss workouts for women to choose from. These workouts are not only effective for dropping pounds but also contribute to boosting your overall health and fitness.

If you're ready to get started, let's get into five of my best weight loss workouts for women that actually work. And when you're finished reading, learn about these 5 Standing Exercises for Faster Weight Loss After 50.

Workout #1: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is highly effective for women to lose weight because it elevates the heart rate rapidly, leading to increased calorie burn during and after the workout due to the "afterburn effect." HIIT also helps women preserve lean muscle mass while shedding fat, resulting in a toned physique and improved metabolism, crucial for sustainable weight loss.

1. Jumping Jacks

how to do jumping jacks demonstration

Jumping jacks are an excellent cardiovascular exercise that elevates the heart rate, burns calories, and improves stamina. They engage multiple muscle groups while promoting weight loss.

Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump your feet apart while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Quickly return to the starting position by jumping your feet together and lowering your arms. Complete three rounds of 45 seconds.

2. Mountain Climbers

mountain climbers illustration

Mountain climbers are a powerful full-body workout that increases heart rate, burns calories, and strengthens the core. They help improve endurance and agility.

Begin in a pushup plank position with your hands under your shoulders. Alternate bringing your knees in toward your chest, keeping a brisk pace. Complete three rounds of 45 seconds.

3. Burpees

illustration of burpees

Burpees are a total-body exercise that combines strength training with cardio. They elevate the heart rate, burn calories, and build muscular endurance.

Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Drop into a squat position, and place your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back into a pushup position. Perform a pushup, then jump your feet back to the squat position. Explosively jump up, reaching your arms overhead. Complete three rounds of 45 seconds.

RELATED: 5 Best Daily Exercises for Women Over 50 To Lose Weight

Workout #2: Strength Training for Women

Strength training is essential for women to lose weight because it helps build lean muscle, which in turn boosts metabolism, leading to increased calorie burn at rest. As women age, they naturally lose muscle mass, but strength training can counteract this process, helping them maintain a healthy body composition. Additionally, strength training releases endorphins, which help to balance hormones and reduce stress.

1. Goblet Squats

dumbbell goblet squat illustration

Goblet squats are effective for building lean muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism and supports fat loss. They also enhance lower-body strength and endurance.

Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with both hands. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Keep your chest up and your back straight. Push through the full foot to return to the starting position. Complete four sets of 12 reps.

2. Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Woman doing Dumbbell bent over row

Bent-over dumbbell rows are effective for sculpting the back and toning the arms. Building lean muscle through strength training helps increase the body's calorie-burning capacity.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing your body. Bend at your hips and knees, keeping your back flat and your chest up. Lower the dumbbells toward the ground. Pull the dumbbells to your hips by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Complete four sets of 12 reps.

3. Step-ups

dumbbell step-ups exercise

Just like bent-over dumbbell rows, step-up exercises engage multiple muscle groups, helping to build lean muscle and increase calorie burning, making them an effective addition to a weight loss and strength training routine.

Stand in front of a sturdy platform or bench with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, allowing your arms to hang naturally at your sides. Step one foot onto the platform, ensuring your entire foot is in contact, and push through the entire foot to lift your body up. As you straighten your elevated leg, bring your opposite knee up toward your chest. Step back down with the elevated foot, returning to the starting position. Complete four sets of 12 reps.

RELATED: The Only 5 Yoga Exercises You Need To Shrink Your Belly

Workout 3: Core-Centric Exercises for Women

A strong core enhances overall stability and balance, allowing for safer and more effective exercise performance and accelerated weight loss. A well-developed core also supports proper posture, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing the body's ability to engage in calorie-burning activities. Additionally, core exercises target multiple muscle groups that help women achieve a tight, toned midsection.

1. Bicycle Crunches

woman doing bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are excellent for targeting the abdominal muscles, helping to create a toned and defined midsection. A strong core also supports better posture and balance.

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your legs off the ground, and bend your knees. Bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other while straightening your right leg. Alternate by bringing your left elbow and right knee toward each other while straightening your left leg. Complete three rounds of 20 seconds.

2. Russian Twists

Russian twist with medicine ball

Russian twists are excellent for working the oblique muscles and enhancing core strength. A strong core contributes to better posture and overall stability.

Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your heels on the floor. Lean back slightly, keeping your back straight. Hold a weight or a medicine ball with both hands. Twist your torso to the right, bringing the weight or ball to the outside of your right hip. Return to the center and then twist to the left. Complete three rounds of 20 seconds.

3. Planks

high plank

Planks are crucial for strengthening the core, which contributes to better posture, enhanced stability, and improved overall strength. Core strength gained from planks can assist in various weight loss exercises and daily activities, making it a valuable addition to a fitness routine.

Begin in a pushup position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your toes on the ground. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, engaging your core muscles to maintain this alignment. Hold this position, focusing on keeping your abs and glutes tight to prevent your hips from sagging. Complete three rounds of 20 seconds.

RELATED: 10 Best Trader Joe's Frozen Foods for Weight Loss

Workout #4: Cardio Blast

Cardio helps create a calorie deficit by burning a significant number of calories during each session. It increases your heart rate and improves cardiovascular health, enhancing the efficiency of oxygen utilization in the body, which aids in fat metabolism. Additionally, consistent cardio workouts can boost overall energy expenditure, making it an effective tool for shedding excess body fat when combined with a balanced diet and strength training. Women in particular tend to burn fewer daily calories than men due to the average lower body mass and resting metabolism, so regular cardio is an excellent way to help offset this.

1. Treadmill Sprints

treadmill sprints

Treadmill sprints are a high-intensity cardio workout that effectively burns calories and accelerates fat loss. They also enhance cardiovascular endurance.

Start by walking or jogging on the treadmill to warm up. Increase the speed to a sprinting pace for 30 seconds. Slow down to a walk or jog for recovery for 60 seconds. Repeat the sprint-recovery cycle for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time as you're able.

2. Jump Rope

jump rope

Jump rope is a fantastic full-body cardio workout that burns calories, improves coordination, and enhances endurance. It's an efficient way to get your heart rate up.

Hold the handles of the jump rope in each hand. Swing the rope over your head, and jump over it as it passes under your feet. Keep your jumps light and controlled. Begin with 10 minutes, gradually increasing in five-minute intervals each week.

3. Incline Walking

Incline walking on a treadmill is an excellent cardio workout that elevates your heart rate, burns calories, and strengthens lower-body muscles.

Begin by adjusting the treadmill's incline to a comfortable level, typically between five to 10 degrees, depending on your fitness level. Stand on the treadmill with your feet hip-width apart. Start the treadmill at a slow pace, usually around two to three mph. As the treadmill begins to incline, walk naturally, keeping your back straight and your arms swinging naturally at your sides. Maintain a steady pace and posture, engaging your core muscles. Gradually increase the incline or speed as your fitness improves. Aim for a starting duration of 10 minutes, and gradually add five minutes each week.

RELATED: The 20 Worst Ways to Lose Weight

Workout #5: Yoga Burn

Yoga promotes mindfulness, reducing stress and emotional eating, which are common barriers to weight loss. From a physical standpoint, yoga improves flexibility and strength, enabling better performance in other physical activities, including calorie-burning workouts. Moreover, specific yoga poses and flows can engage and tone core muscles, aiding in the development of lean muscle mass, which in turn enhances metabolism and supports sustainable weight loss.

1. Downward-Facing Dog

downward dog

Downward-facing dog is a yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body, promoting flexibility, balance, and stress reduction. It can complement other weight loss workouts.

Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Lift your hips toward the ceiling, straightening your legs. Press your palms into the ground and keep your heels as close to the floor as possible. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, focusing on deep breaths. Repeat 12 times.

2. Warrior II Pose

warrior II

Warrior II is a yoga pose that helps build lower-body strength and balance. It also encourages mindfulness and body awareness, which can support healthy eating habits.

Start in a lunge position with your right foot forward and your left foot back. Turn your left foot out to the side, and align your heels. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping your knee over your ankle. Gaze over your right hand. Hold the pose for 30 seconds, focusing on deep breaths. Repeat 12 times.

3. Scorpion Pose

scorpion pose

It's important to note the scorpion pose is an advanced yoga posture that challenges balance, enhances flexibility, and strengthens the core and back muscles. You have to work your way up in order to master it, and it's always a smart idea to work with a fitness professional at first. Scorpion pose's intricate movements and deep stretches make it an excellent choice for individuals seeking to diversify their yoga practice and improve overall body awareness and control.

Begin in a prone position, lying face down on your yoga mat with your arms extended. Engage your core muscles to support your spine, and press your palms firmly into the mat. Lift your legs and hips off the ground, keeping them straight and parallel to the floor. Inhale as you bend your knees, bringing your feet toward your head. Exhale, and extend your legs upward, lifting your hips higher. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds, focusing on controlled breathing and maintaining balance. Slowly return to the starting position by reversing the movement, bending your knees, and lowering your feet back to the floor. Repeat five to 10 times.

The post 5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Women That Actually Work appeared first on Eat This Not That.

7 High-Fat Foods To Avoid If You Want To Lose Belly Fat https://www.eatthis.com/worst-high-fat-foods-for-losing-belly-fat/ Sun, 24 Sep 2023 11:00:28 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=755980 Getting rid of a not-so-trim midsection can seem like an uphill battle. From diet to...

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Getting rid of a not-so-trim midsection can seem like an uphill battle. From diet to exercise to all-around healthy lifestyle choices, losing weight and slimming down your belly takes hard work and dedication. There's no need to deprive your body of the foods you love most or spend countless hours in the weight room, but you do need to come up with a sustainable game plan that works best for you—and stick with it. Making tweaks to your shopping list, and knowing what you should and shouldn't put on it, is an excellent place to start. Eat This, Not That! spoke with experts who call out the worst high-fat foods to avoid if you want to lose belly fat.

"Remember that while reducing your intake of these high-fat foods is important for weight loss and overall health, it's also crucial to focus on overall calorie intake and maintain a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains," says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, a registered dietitian, certified specialist in sports dietetics, and member of our Medical Expert Board. "Additionally, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, including reducing belly fat."

It's time to make some necessary tweaks to your diet. Keep reading to learn all about what the experts have to say about the worst high-fat foods to avoid if you want to lose belly fat. And when you're finished, be sure to check out the 10 Best Trader Joe's Frozen Foods for Weight Loss.


Ice Cream

ice cream cone

Who doesn't love a refreshing bowl of ice cream on a hot summer's night (or honestly, any time of the year)? We're not telling you to quit your ice cream fix cold turkey, but eating too much of it is something experts caution against.

"[Ice cream] is a high-fat, high-calorie, high-sugar food that is often consumed after a meal that adds extra calories to your day," explains Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder and director of Real Nutrition, a New York City-based private practice dedicated to healthfully and successfully guiding clients to their optimal nutrition, weight, and overall wellness. "I would recommend eating this as a treat and ordering the smallest size available."

RELATED: 10 Best Superfood Snacks to Strip Away Belly Fat



homemade pepperoni pizza

The cheesy, salty goodness of a slice of pizza is hard to resist, but this high-fat, high-carb, greasy food is a no-go if you're looking to lose belly fat. "[Pizza] is widely available [and] affordable," Shapiro points out. "The flour is white, and therefore, it is low in fiber, which means most people eat two or three slices for a meal. Also, it is often topped with processed meats that add sodium and saturated fat to the list. This is an equation for weight gain." Fortunately, this doesn't mean that you can't enjoy pizza at all. Moderation is always the key to any sustainable diet, and there are also some relatively healthy pizza options for those nights when pizza is non-negotiable.

RELATED: The #1 Unhealthiest Order at Every Major Fast-Food Pizza Chain



Chocolate chip cookies

Pastries, donuts, and cookies are common treats found in many households. Typically enjoyed for dessert, they add additional calories to your daily count without providing much nutritional value. So put the cookies back in the cookie jar!

"Made frequently from white flour, sugar, and fat (butter or oil) the calories add up and can stick to your middle if not portion-controlled," Shapiro tells us. "One donut can come in at 300 to 500 calories, and since it contains no fiber, it's easy to eat more than one. Limit these to treats once in a while and follow portion control."

RELATED: The Best & Worst Store-Bought Cookie Brands


French Fries

french fries

Even though French fries are a staple side dish offered at many restaurants, they're fried in oil and usually contain a lot of salt. "This means lots of calories, carbs, and fat, which usually, when not portion-controlled, can lead to weight gain," Shapiro explains. "Foods that contain high amounts of salt and fat often lead to overeating, and that will lead to weight gain."

In addition, French fries are typically enjoyed alongside other high-fat fried items like chicken fingers and burgers. Fried foods are something Goodson cautions to avoid. "Foods that are deep-fried or pan-fried in oil are typically high in unhealthy trans fats, saturated fats, and calories, while also being low in nutrients. French fries, fried chicken, and fried snacks should be limited in your diet if you are trying to lose belly fat."

RELATED: 20 Best Weight Loss Secrets, According to Experts


Processed Snacks


So many pre-packaged snacks such as pretzels, chips, and cookies are filled with unhealthy fats, such as trans fats. Some oftentimes contain an excessive amount of salt and added sugars. Goodson encourages reaching for healthier options to snack on, like whole fruits, seeds, or nuts. You can also consider some of our favorite protein-packed snacks for weight loss, which are 100 calories or less.


Processed Meats

pigs in a blanket

So many of the most delicious snack foods—especially during football season—are processed meats. We're talking about things like hot dogs (or pigs in a blanket), sausage, and bacon. These items are typically high in sodium and saturated fats, which can be a major contributor to belly fat. In addition, research connects processed meats to several health risks, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer.

RELATED: 6 Best Diets for Weight Loss After 50


Sugar-Packed Coffee Drinks

lavender latte

Grabbing a latte at your go-to coffee joint may seem like an innocent way to get a quick energy boost and kick afternoon slumps to the curb. But alas, many lattes and coffee drinks come with extra fat and sugar from creams, syrups, and whipped cream. "When we drink calories, our bodies don't often register them as meals, and we end up eating more on top of those calories," Shapiro explains. "These add up and can cause weight gain, especially around your midsection."

The post 7 High-Fat Foods To Avoid If You Want To Lose Belly Fat appeared first on Eat This Not That.

9 Diet Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Weight Loss Progress https://www.eatthis.com/diet-mistakes/ Sun, 24 Sep 2023 10:00:20 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/diet-mistakes/ When it comes to dieting, the last thing you want to do is take one...

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When it comes to dieting, the last thing you want to do is take one step forward and two steps back. It's essential to have a clear plan and avoid diet mistakes that can ruin your weight loss progress. After all, your time is precious, and you don't want any of your efforts to go to waste. It's important to know about these bad weight loss habits so you can course-correct them ASAP.

You may be surprised to learn that some daily habits you might think are actually good for you can actually be doing more harm than good. We spoke to the experts to get the skinny (pun intended) on common practices that may interfere with your weight loss journey. From misconceptions about breakfast to beverages, read on to learn nine diet mistakes you should avoid if you want to set yourself up for success. And next, check out The 20 Worst Ways to Lose Weight.


Not eating enough throughout the day

man hungry, diet mistakes concept

It's easy to assume that dieting means eating a lot less. But according to Melissa Mitri, MS, RD, nutrition writer and owner of Melissa Mitri Nutrition, you could actually be making the mistake of not eating enough. Mitri explains, "Eating too little throughout the day can have the opposite effect on your metabolism, causing you to feel more ravenous and overeat later on."

Be sure to not skip out on any meals. Instead, eat consistent, well-balanced meals, and keep snacks on hand that are chock-full of healthy fats, protein, and healthy carbs to make your body feel satisfied and make you less likely to reach for something unhealthy.

RELATED: 14 Healthy & Delicious Snacks That Will Keep You Full


Snacking at night

looking in fridge, diet mistakes concept

After a long day, it's totally natural that you want to relax and reward yourself with a treat. But the last thing you should do is to start munching before bed. "Late-night snacking can sabotage your best weight loss efforts during the day," says Mitri, "leading to excess calories, often from less healthful foods like chips and desserts."

To avoid this bad habit, be mindful of what causes your urge to snack. For instance, are you extra stressed out or emotional? Once again, Mitri suggests, "Plan ahead by having balanced snack options on hand, such as popcorn, fruit, or veggies and hummus."


Not getting enough fiber

quinoa bowl

Not adding enough fiber to your diet is a big mistake that can derail your weight loss efforts. "Dietary fiber is a type of undigested carb found in plant foods that can slow your digestion and increase satiety, helping you shed weight," Mitri explains.

If you're not including enough fiber, you may always feel hungry, which can lead to unnecessary snacking and weight gain. Mitri suggests shooting for a minimum of 25 to 35 grams of high-fiber foods such as quinoa, oats, fresh fruits, veggies, and bran every day.

RELATED: 44 Best High-Fiber Foods for a Healthy Diet


Not eating a well-rounded breakfast

overnight oats with blueberries, concept of breakfasts for rapid weight loss

Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it's true! "Daily breakfast consumption is protective against weight gain because it fills you up, causing you to feel fewer hunger pangs and food cravings later on," explains Mitri. She adds, "Eating a balanced breakfast every morning helps to regulate your blood sugar levels, which can intensify hunger and related symptoms."

Some examples of a well-balanced breakfast include eggs with avocado and whole wheat toast, overnight oats with your favorite fruit, or a protein powder smoothie with leafy greens and fruit.


Drinking unnecessary calories

woman drinking tart cherry juice to sleep better

It's essential to be mindful of the liquid calories you are consuming. Some of the biggest offenders are juices, soda, alcohol, and surprisingly bottled smoothies. "Liquid calories don't provide much nutritional value and can start to add up quickly, contributing to unwanted weight gain," Mitri points out.

RELATED: What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Too Much Diet Soda


Relying on fad diets

concept of fad diets

If you want to experience long-term weight loss results, avoid fad diets completely, as they can hinder your efforts long-term, according to Mitri. "Fad diets are often not personalized to you and your body and involve restrictive and unsustainable food rules," she says.

Rather than resorting to a fad diet, prioritize an all-around healthy diet that incorporates your favorite food items in moderation. You can also consider speaking with an expert such as a registered dietitian to design a personalized plan for you.


Eating too many healthy foods

halved avocados with pit

We're pretty sure you didn't see this one coming! Surprisingly, some healthy foods are best in moderate amounts, says nutritionist Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim and a member of our Medical Expert Board. Consuming too many 'healthy' fats (like those found in avocados, nuts, and olive oil), can actually crush your weight loss goals because of the excessive calories and fat you'll wind up consuming.

Young explains, "Consume such foods alongside other food groups to ensure a well-balanced diet and overall nutritious intake with a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals."

RELATED: 6 Best Diets for Weight Loss After 50


Enjoying too many smoothies

green smoothie

Smoothies are tasty and can be super diet-friendly—when consumed in moderation. Enjoying too many each day can negatively impact your weight loss efforts because they are filled with calories.

Young points out, "Fruits are healthy, but eating too many fruits in smoothies can cause a rise in blood sugar levels. Most smoothies also lack protein which helps stabilize blood sugar. Drink a small smoothie in moderation, and try to incorporate a balance of ingredients in your smoothies. And do not add fruit juice to your smoothie. Instead, add low-fat milk or yogurt which contains protein."

RELATED: 10 Best Protein Shake Recipes for Weight Loss


Not practicing portion control

Portion Control for Dieting

Not being mindful of your portion sizes is one of the biggest diet mistakes you can make. Portion control is an important part of any effective diet. It helps you to avoid consuming more calories than your body truly needs, which is important because losing weight requires that you burn more calories than you take in.

"To maintain weight loss progress, always be mindful of portion sizes to prevent consumption of excess calories leading to potential weight gain," Young suggests. "If you serve a larger portion size, it increases the likelihood of overeating and mindless consumption, thus try to serve appropriate portions and listen to hunger and fullness cues."

The post 9 Diet Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Weight Loss Progress appeared first on Eat This Not That.

8 Best Floor Workouts for Women To Lose Weight https://www.eatthis.com/floor-workouts-for-women-to-lose-weight/ Sat, 23 Sep 2023 11:00:08 +0000 https://www.eatthis.com/?p=755772 Between work deadlines to social plans to classic life commitments, life can get pretty busy....

The post 8 Best Floor Workouts for Women To Lose Weight appeared first on Eat This Not That.

Between work deadlines to social plans to classic life commitments, life can get pretty busy. If you're a woman who is looking to lose weight, finding the time to work out can be one big struggle. That's why taking advantage of workouts you can perform anywhere can be a total game-changer when it comes to shedding those extra pounds. For my busy female clients, floor workouts provide a versatile and effective option. You can use equipment like dumbbells and medicine balls, perform bodyweight versions of floor exercises, and get in a fat-blasting workout from the gym or the comfort of your own home. That's why I've put together eight of my best floor workouts for women to lose weight.

The below routines are tailored to help women torch calories, build strength, and achieve the results they desire. You can perform them at the gym, at home, at the park, or even in the office. All you need is a yoga mat and a few minutes to spare. So keep reading to learn about the best floor workouts for women to lose weight. And when you're done, check out these 7 No-Equipment Floor Exercises To Drop 10 Pounds in a Month.

Workout #1: Core Sculptor

When it comes to losing weight, you need to do more than a few sit-ups. Core exercises alone won't be enough to reduce fat. However, when combined with a mindful diet, a calorie deficit, and aerobic exercise, core sculpting workouts can melt away fat to reveal a tight, toned midsection. Core training is also very important in postpartum recovery, which is something any woman who has given birth must deal with.

1. Planks

high plank

Planks engage the core muscles deeply, helping women strengthen their midsection, improve posture, and burn calories efficiently.

Start in a pushup position with your arms extended and your hands under your shoulders. Engage your core, and keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer. Complete three sets of 30 seconds.

2. Bicycle Crunches

woman doing bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are excellent for burning abdominal fat and toning the waistline, making them crucial for weight loss.

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs lifted off the ground. Bring your right elbow and left knee toward each other while extending your right leg. Alternate sides in a pedaling motion. Complete three sets of 15 reps per side.

3. Russian Twists

Russian twist with medicine ball

Russian twists are highly effective for burning abdominal fat and toning the waistline, which are essential components of an effective weight loss program. This exercise engages the oblique muscles and challenges your core strength, helping you shed unwanted pounds around your midsection and achieve a slimmer waistline.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Keep your back straight, chest up, and engage your core. Lean back slightly, creating a V-shape with your upper body and thighs. Clasp your hands together in front of you, or hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands. Lift your feet off the ground, so your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Begin twisting your torso to the right. Return to the center, then twist your torso to the left. Continue alternating sides in a controlled motion. Complete three sets of 15 reps.

RELATED: 5 Standing Exercises for Faster Weight Loss After 50

Workout #2: Cardio Torch

Cardio is a tried-and-true method of shedding pounds. I recommend a combination of cardio and strength training for maximum weight loss, increased muscle tone, and a higher metabolic rate.

1. Jumping Jacks

how to do jumping jacks demonstration

Jumping jacks are a fantastic calorie burner, helping women enhance cardiovascular fitness while shedding excess weight.

Begin in a standing position with your arms at your sides and your feet together. Jump your feet apart while raising your arms overhead. Quickly reverse the motion by jumping your feet back together and lowering your arms. Complete three sets of 60 seconds.

2. Jump Rope

jump rope

Jumping rope is an excellent calorie-burning exercise that enhances cardiovascular fitness, making it a valuable addition to any weight loss routine. It not only helps shed excess weight but also improves coordination, agility, and endurance.

Start by standing up straight with your feet together and the jump rope handles in each hand. Hold the jump rope handles at hip level with your elbows close to your body. Begin swinging the jump rope over your head, creating a circular motion with the rope. As the rope starts to come down in front of you, jump slightly off the ground. As you jump, allow the rope to pass beneath your feet. Keep your jumps light and controlled, landing softly on the balls of your feet. Continue to swing the rope overhead, and jump with each rotation. Complete three sets of 60 seconds.

3. High Knees

high knees

High knees are a dynamic cardiovascular exercise that's highly effective for weight loss. They elevate your heart rate, engage your core, and enhance overall fitness.

Begin by standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing down, at about waist height. Lift your right knee as high as possible, aiming to bring it level with your waist. As you lower your right knee, simultaneously raise your left knee in the same manner. Alternate between your right and left knees in a running-in-place motion. Keep your core engaged, and maintain a brisk pace, trying to bring your knees as high as you comfortably can. Complete three sets of 60 seconds.

RELATED: 5 Best Daily Exercises for Women Over 50 To Lose Weight

Workout #3: Leg Slimmer

A common problem area among women, the lower body and legs are one of the first places stubborn fat likes to linger. Training your lower body helps build muscle, burning more calories at rest and toning your legs along the way.

1. Glute Bridges

glute bridge

Glute bridges target the lower body, helping women tone their glutes and hamstrings, which can be particularly effective for weight loss.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Press through your heels to lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from shoulders to knees. Squeeze your glutes at the top. Lower your hips down, but don't touch the ground, then lift again. Complete three sets of 15 reps.

2. Leg Lifts

illustration of leg lifts

Leg lifts are an effective exercise for women aiming to lose weight as they engage the lower abdominal muscles and strengthen the core. This exercise helps improve muscle tone in the lower abdomen, contributing to a more defined waistline and overall weight loss.

Begin by lying flat on your back with your arms by your sides and your legs fully extended. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your lower back against the floor. While maintaining this position, lift both legs off the ground simultaneously. Continue to raise your legs until they are vertical or as close as your flexibility allows. Slowly lower your legs back down toward the ground, but do not let them touch the floor. Complete three sets of 15 reps.

3. Clamshells

clamshell exercise

Clamshells are an effective exercise for women looking to lose weight as they target the hip muscles, specifically the gluteus medius. Strengthening these muscles can improve overall lower-body stability and help maintain proper alignment during various exercises, contributing to more effective and safe workouts for weight loss.

Begin by lying on your side with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle, your feet together, and your head resting on your arm. Keep your feet touching and your heels together throughout the exercise. While keeping your feet touching, slowly lift your top knee as high as you comfortably can, opening your legs like a clamshell. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, focusing on squeezing your glutes and engaging your hip muscles. Lower your top knee back down to meet your bottom knee in a controlled manner. Complete three sets of 15 reps per side.

Workout #4: Full-Body Burn

Engaging in compound movements increases the number of calories burned and is one of the most efficient ways to lose weight. Compound movements are exercises that work multiple muscle groups, helping you make the most out of your workout.

1. Pushups

pushups illustration

Pushups work multiple muscle groups, including the chest, arms, and core, offering an effective way to burn calories and build strength.

Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders. Lower your body by bending your elbows while keeping your body in a straight line. Push back up to the starting position. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

2. Bodyweight Squats

squat illustration

Squats engage the lower body, making them essential for toning legs and enhancing calorie burn.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body by bending your knees while pushing your hips back. Keep your chest up and your back straight. Return to the starting position by pushing through your full foot. Complete three sets of 10 reps.

3. Military Squats

Military squats are a valuable exercise for weight loss, as they engage the entire body. This exercise helps tone and strengthen the legs while also enhancing calorie burn due to the large muscle groups involved.

Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your back straight and your chest up. Place your hands behind your head, interlocking your fingers. Lower your body by bending your knees while simultaneously pushing your hips back, maintaining an upright posture. Continue to descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold the lowered position for a moment, focusing on maintaining balance and stability. Push through your entire foot to return to the starting position. Complete three sets of 15 full reps.

RELATED: 5 Best Strength Workouts for Women To Lose Weight

Workout #5: HIIT Fat Blaster

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a method of cardio that focuses on short, intense bursts of effort separated by brief periods of rest. It's a wonderful aerobic workout that increases your heart rate, burns maximum calories in a short amount of time, and simultaneously builds muscle.

1. High Knees

high knees

High knees are a high-intensity exercise that gets your heart rate up, helping women burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Run in place, bringing your knees as high as possible. Alternate legs quickly. Complete three sets of 30 seconds.

2. Burpees

illustration of burpees

Burpees are a full-body workout that elevates heart rate, making them ideal for torching calories and boosting metabolism.

Start in a standing position. Drop into a squat, placing your hands on the floor. Jump your feet back into a plank position. Perform a pushup, then jump your feet back to the squat position. Explode upward into a jump. Complete three sets of 30 seconds.

3. Plank Jacks

Plank Jacks are a dynamic core exercise that also elevates the heart rate, making them an excellent addition to a weight loss workout routine. They engage the abdominal muscles, shoulders, and legs, helping to strengthen the core while simultaneously burning calories.

Begin in a plank position. Engage your core muscles to keep your body stable throughout the exercise. Start by jumping both of your feet outward, widening your stance just like a jumping jack motion. Keep your arms and your upper body stable as your feet move apart. After jumping your feet outward, quickly jump them back together. Continue this motion, jumping your feet in and out, while keeping your core engaged and your back straight. Complete three sets of 30 seconds.

Workout #6: Yoga Flow

Yoga is a fantastic practice for weight loss, combining flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. This workout is designed to help you shed unwanted pounds while enjoying the benefits of yoga. Remember to focus on your breath and maintain proper form throughout each pose.

1. Sun Salutation Sequence

downward dog

Sun salutations are a series of yoga poses that provide a full-body workout while promoting flexibility and mental clarity.

Begin with your feet together and your hands at your heart's center. Inhale, and raise your arms overhead, arching your back slightly (extended mountain pose). Exhale and fold forward into Uttanasana (forward fold). Inhale, lift your chest, and come into Ardha Uttanasana (half forward fold). Exhale, and step or jump back into plank pose. Lower down through Chaturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose), or modify with your knees down. Inhale into an Upward-Facing Dog or Cobra Pose. Exhale into Downward-Facing Dog. Inhale, and step or jump forward into Ardha Uttanasana. Exhale, and fold forward in Uttanasana. Inhale, sweep your arms wide, and come back to Extended Mountain Pose. Exhale, and bring your hands to your heart center in Tadasana. Repeat the sun salutation flow for three to five rounds.

2. Warrior Sequence

warrior II

The warrior sequence tones the legs, engages the core, and enhances balance.

Start in Tadasana, then step your left foot back into a wide stance. Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle, keeping it directly above your ankle (Warrior I). Open your hips and arms wide, extending them parallel to the ground (Warrior II). Reverse your warrior by dropping your left hand to your left leg and reaching your right arm up and back. Straighten your right leg, and hinge at your waist, reaching your right hand toward the ground (Triangle Pose). Return to Warrior II. Repeat on the other side. Complete three sets of warrior sequences on each side.

3. Boat Pose Sequence

boat pose exercise

Boat pose strengthens the core, promotes mindfulness and flexibility, and improves balance.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat. Lean back slightly, keeping your spine straight. Lift your legs off the ground, bringing your shins above parallel to the floor. Extend your arms forward, keeping them parallel to the ground. Your body should form a "V" shape. Hold this pose, engaging your core. Release and repeat for 30 seconds to one minute.

RELATED: The #1 Floor Workout for Faster Weight Loss After 50

Workout #7: Power Pilates

Pilates combines mindfulness, strength training, and cardio for an effective fat-blasting workout. It also increases flexibility, strengthens your core, and helps you melt excess weight to reveal a long, lean, toned physique.

1. Pilates Hundred

The Pilates hundred is an essential exercise that engages the core and increases circulation, helping to burn calories.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat, engaging your abdominal muscles. Extend your legs straight at a 45-degree angle. Pump your arms up and down vigorously, inhaling for five arm pumps and exhaling for five arm pumps. Continue this pattern for a total of 100 arm pumps (10 full breath cycles).

2. Pilates Plank Twists

Plank twists in Pilates work the core and engage oblique muscles. They also promote balance and flexibility, and burn maximum calories.

Start in a plank position with your arms straight. Engage your core to keep your body stable. Slowly twist your hips to one side while keeping your feet stacked. Return to the plank position. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating for three sets of 30 seconds.

3. Pilates Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers in a Pilates context are effective for cardio and core strengthening. Pilates mountain climbers focus on quick, light-footed steps, a pointed toe, and an elongated spine.

Start off in a plank position. Engage your core, and draw one knee toward your chest, then return it to the starting position. Alternate between knees, moving at a quick pace. Make sure your shoulders stay aligned with your wrists. Perform three sets of 30 seconds.

Workout #8: Arm Sculpt

Don't overlook the importance of strength training the upper body when it comes to weight loss. Not only do arm-focused workouts tone and strengthen your upper body while burning calories, but they also engage your core and improve posture.

1. Pushup Planks

illustration of pushups

Pushup planks are excellent for targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps while also engaging the core and torching calories.

Begin in a plank position with your arms straight. Lower your chest toward the floor, bending your elbows. Push back up to the high plank position. Repeat this pushup motion for three sets of 10 reps.

2. Tricep Dips

Tricep dips focus on toning the back of the arms, helping to eliminate flabbiness. They also engage your core, making them efficient calorie-burners.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat. Place your hands behind you with your fingers pointing forward. Lift your hips off the ground, supporting your weight with your hands and feet. Bend your elbows to lower your hips toward the floor. Straighten your arms to lift your hips back up. Complete three sets of 15 reps.

3. Plank Taps

plank shoulder taps

Plank taps engage the chest, shoulders, and core, making them an effective calorie-burning exercise.

Begin in a plank position with your arms straight. Tap your right hand to your left shoulder while engaging your core to maintain stability. Return your hand to the plank position. Tap your left hand to your right shoulder. Continue alternating taps for three sets of 20 taps.

The post 8 Best Floor Workouts for Women To Lose Weight appeared first on Eat This Not That.
