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Tyler Read

Tyler Read

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About author

Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. He has a BS in Kinesiology and is certified through NASM with over a decade of experience coaching clients for muscle building and fat loss. Tyler is also the founder of, a website dedicated to helping aspiring fitness coaches find the best personal training certifications and best nutrition coaching certifications for their specific career goals.

Articles by Tyler Read

plank leg lift, concept of workouts for love handles
bird dog exercise, concept of core workouts for instant abs
woman side plank leg lift, concept of lower-belly strength workout for women
woman doing kettlebell swing, concept of kettlebell exercises for women to melt belly fat
woman squatting next to lake, concept of standing workouts for women to lose weight
dumbbell lunges, concept of 30-day strength workout for beginners
man high plank exercises for men to melt belly fat
hanging knee raises, part of lower belly workout
walking workout
woman treadmill sprints, concept of weight loss workouts for women
plank jack, workouts for women to lose weight
forearm plank, concept of lower-belly workout
ab twist exercise
medicine ball pushup, floor exercises for a ripped chest
man lifting dumbbells, concept of habits that kill muscle growth
middle-age woman doing bicep curls, concept of exercises for women to stay fit after 40
medicine ball sit-ups, concept of medicine ball exercises to melt belly fat
woman with resistance band doing arm exercises, concept of resistance band exercises to melt armpit pooch
man doing planks, concept of strength workouts for men to lose weight
woman swimming for weight loss, concept of low-intensity workouts for women to lose weight
woman doing sit-ups, concept of core workouts for flatter abs
woman doing sit-ups, concept of HIIT workouts to melt belly fat
woman doing glute bridges, concept of floor exercises to lose 10 pounds in a month
woman lifting dumbbell, concept of fitness tips for women to prevent muscle loss
woman doing planks on yoga mat at home, concept of daily exercises for women to lose weight
bicycle crunches, concept of targeted workouts for a tighter core
woman doing tricep dips, concept of at-home exercises for women to get rid of armpit pooch
woman doing leg raises, lower-belly exercises
woman doing forearm planks, concept of ab exercises to melt belly fat
woman doing bird dog exercise, concept of floor workout for faster weight loss after 50